
Ziyue LI

Professor in Data Mining and Machine Learing

University of Cologne (Germany)

EWI gGmbH (Germany)


Dr. Ziyue LI (Bonald) is an assistant professor in the Information System Department, Department of Information Systems, University of Cologne. His research focuses on spatiotemporal machine learning models for decision intelligence. His works have been published as 20+ papers in top-tier AI conferences (IJCAI, AAAI, KDD, ICLR, NeurIPS), 9 papers in top journals (TKDE, TITS, TMM), awarded with 10+ best paper awards, and also deployed in real industries as well-proven products, especially in smart mobility.

Open Positions: I am always looking for students who are interested in spatiotemporal and smart mobility problems with strong coding abilities. Feel free to shoot me an email. The funding sources are here.


  • Spatiotemporal Analysis
  • High-dimensional Data
  • Tensor Decomposition
  • Self-Supervised Learning
  • Transfer / Meta-Learning
  • Large Language Models


  • Ph.D. in Industrial Engineeing and Decision Analytics

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Arizona State University

  • Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

    Univerisity of New South Wales, Australia

  • B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering & B.Econ in Finance

    Xi'an JiaoTong University, China

Selected Awards and Honors

All Awards»


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Assistant Professor

University of Cologne

Mar 2022 – Present Germany

Researcher in Machine Learning Algorithms and Smart Cities.

Responsibilities include:

  • Conduct research in spatiotemporal and resource-efficient machine learning
  • Design and instruct three master courses (Advanced Seminar Machine Learning, Advanced Data Analytics and Deep Learning, and Decision Making under Uncertainty) and one bachelor course (Bachelor Seminar Machine Learning).

Senior Machine Learning Researcher in Smart Mobility

SenseTime Research

Jan 2020 – Mar 2022 Hong Kong

Lead the R&D in AI-driven Smart Mobility.

Responsibilities include:

  • Led a team of 10 researchers (3 full-time, 5 interns, 1 project manager), conducted front-tier research in smart mobility and spatiotemporal analysis, and delivered 5+ pipelines of AI-driven products, including:

    • One machine learning-based traffic data infrastructure platform;
    • Traffic Signal Control Systems based on optimization-based and Reinforcement Learning: deployed in an actual city.
    • One causal inference-based Traffic congestion management and cause analysis: deployed in an actual city.
    • Developed our LLMs for traffic domain knowledge and traffic data analysis.
  • Corresponding research work published in CIKM, KDD, AAAI, ICLR, AAMAS, TMM, and more, with topics including:

    • Self-supervised learning and contrastive learning.
    • Reinforcement Learning.
    • Resource-efficient domain adaptation, transfer learning, and meta-learning.
  • Admin and Technical support for business needs: interviewed 100+ applicants, gave 5+ research seminars, and so on.


Cloud Computing Research Scientist

Bell Labs

Sep 2019 – Feb 2020 Stuttgart, Germany

Research Scientist in serverless computing, machine learning system in AWS and KNIX MicroFunctions.

Responsibilities include:

  • Research in serverless computing, machine learning system based on Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Bell Labs KNIX MicroFunctions.
  • Conducted serverless machine learning inference (regression, nature language process, image recognition) based on ResNet, MXNET, Tensorflow in AWS and Microfuntions, performance analysis, component profiling and system optimization.

Project Manager

MTR Co.-HKUST Project

Sep 2019 – Aug 2021 Hong Kong

Research Collaboratoin in Big Data Driven Smart Transporation.

Responsibilities include:

  • Research project collaboration and management with MTR and Computer Science & Engineering Dept, HKUST, developing an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) for smarter and individualized services based on data-driven methods.
  • Delivered the solution for demand prediction, station clustering, passenger individual pattern mining.

Teaching & Talks

Advanced Seminar for Machine Learning

Advanced Data Analytics for Business – Deep Learning

This course will equip you with the data analytical techniques that are either the most popular or classic models or the …

Advanced Machine Learning for Smart Transportation (with GaTech)

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have been an essential chapter in smart city blueprint. There are numbers of real practical …


JD Prediction

The Sale Prediction


2020 AWS SageMaker, AI and Machine Learning - With Python

Complete Guide to AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty and Practice Test

Deploy Serverless Machine Learning Models to AWS Lambda

Use Serverless Framework for fast deployment of different ML models to scalable and cost-effective AWS Lambda service.
See certificate

German B1 Level

Limited Professional Level


Big Data

Data Analysis, Data Mining

Machine Learning

TensorFlow, MXNet, Keras

Multi-Language Coding

VB, C++, C#





Cloud Computing

AWS, Lambda, S3, Step

Book, Mount, Sea

My Awards

International Awards and Prizes Peter Luh Young Researcher Award (Runner-up) for the paper “ Dynamic Causal Graph Convolutional …

Walking Through The Time: All The News

June 2024: Our paper “ X-Light: Cross-City Traffic Signal Control Using Transformer on Transformer as Meta Multi-Agent …


These are the books I have read over the past five years. “The Art of Loving” 🇺🇸, Erich Fromm Date: 2020 Sept …

My Hikes