Dr. Ziyue LI (Bonald) is an assistant professor in the Information System Department, Department of Information Systems, University of Cologne. His research focuses on spatiotemporal machine learning models for decision intelligence. His works have been published as 20+ papers in top-tier AI conferences (IJCAI, AAAI, KDD, ICLR, NeurIPS), 9 papers in top journals (TKDE, TITS, TMM), awarded with 10+ best paper awards, and also deployed in real industries as well-proven products, especially in smart mobility.
Open Positions: I am always looking for students who are interested in spatiotemporal and smart mobility problems with strong coding abilities. Feel free to shoot me an email. The funding sources are here.
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineeing and Decision Analytics
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Arizona State University
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Univerisity of New South Wales, Australia
B.Eng in Mechanical Engineering & B.Econ in Finance
Xi'an JiaoTong University, China
Researcher in Machine Learning Algorithms and Smart Cities.
Responsibilities include:
Lead the R&D in AI-driven Smart Mobility.
Responsibilities include:
Led a team of 10 researchers (3 full-time, 5 interns, 1 project manager), conducted front-tier research in smart mobility and spatiotemporal analysis, and delivered 5+ pipelines of AI-driven products, including:
Corresponding research work published in CIKM, KDD, AAAI, ICLR, AAMAS, TMM, and more, with topics including:
Admin and Technical support for business needs: interviewed 100+ applicants, gave 5+ research seminars, and so on.
Research Scientist in serverless computing, machine learning system in AWS and KNIX MicroFunctions.
Responsibilities include:
Research Collaboratoin in Big Data Driven Smart Transporation.
Responsibilities include:
The Sale Prediction
Data Analysis, Data Mining
TensorFlow, MXNet, Keras
VB, C++, C#
AWS, Lambda, S3, Step