Non-Neighbors Also Matter to Kriging: A New Contrastive-Prototypical Learning


Kriging aims at estimating the attributes of unsampled geo-locations from observations in the spatial vicinity or physical connections, which helps mitigate skewed monitoring caused by under-deployed sensors. Existing works assume that neighbors’ information offers the basis for estimating the attributes of the unobserved target while ignoring non-neighbors. However, non-neighbors could also offer constructive information, and neighbors could also be misleading. To this end, we propose ``Contrastive-Prototypical’’ self-supervised learning for Kriging (KCP) to refine valuable information from neighbors and recycle the one from non-neighbors. As a pre-trained paradigm, we conduct the Kriging task from a new perspective of representation: we aim to first learn robust and general representations and then recover attributes from representations. A neighboring contrastive module is designed that coarsely learns the representations by narrowing the representation distance between the target and its neighbors while pushing away the non-neighbors. In parallel, a prototypical module is introduced to identify similar representations via exchanged prediction, thus refining the misleading neighbors and recycling the useful non-neighbors from the neighboring contrast component. As a result, not all the neighbors and some of the non-neighbors will be used to infer the target. To encourage the two modules above to learn general and robust representations, we design an adaptive augmentation module that incorporates data-driven attribute augmentation and centrality-based topology augmentation over the spatiotemporal Kriging graph data. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of KCP compared to its peers with 6% improvements and exceptional transferability and robustness.

Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

In industry, we always say the traffic management systems are an engine, and the data are the gasoline: without enough gasoline, the engine won’t start. However, that is the brutal reality for most existing traffic systems: due to the hardware cost, maybe only 20% of roads are equipped with sensors. With such sparse data, the traffic management systems stumble.

In Chinese, there is an old saying, “Four ounces can move a thousand pounds.” how can we only use 20% of data to generate the whole city-wide data? This is another step we make toward resource-efficient spatiotemporal machine learning.

Spoiler: our solution is a graph contrastive learning + prototypical contrastive learning, which can be originated from the work from salesforce.

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