Tensor Dirichlet Process Multinomial Mixture Model with Graphs for Passenger Trajectory Clustering


Passenger clustering based on trajectory records is essential for transportation operators. However, existing methods cannot easily cluster the passengers due to the hierarchical structure of the passenger trip information, including multiple trips within each passenger and multi-dimensional information about each trip. Furthermore, existing approaches rely on an accurate specification of the clustering number to start. Finally, existing methods do not consider spatial semantic graphs such as geographical proximity and functional similarity between the locations. In this paper, we propose a novel tensor Dirichlet Process Multinomial Mixture model with graphs, which can preserve the hierarchical structure of the multi-dimensional trip information and cluster them in a unified one-step manner with the ability to determine the number of clusters automatically. The spatial graphs are utilized in community detection to link the semantic neighbors. We further propose a tensor version of Collapsed Gibbs Sampling method with a minimum cluster size requirement. A case study based on Hong Kong metro passenger data is conducted to demonstrate the automatic process of cluster amount evolution and better cluster quality measured by within-cluster compactness and cross-cluster separateness.

31st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
Ziyue LI
Professor in Data Mining and Machine Learing

To be a inspiring data science researcher
